Pregnancy Simulator


  1. Pregnancy lasts 10 months and 10 days???

    In Japan, maybe.

  2. wow...that's something I'll NEVER want to try...EVER, it's just a LITTLE BIT TOO CREEPY.

  3. Doesn't simulate pressing your internal organs out of the way, doesn't give the user a hernia, doesn't reroute the user's nervous sensations to the outside of the simulator. Am disappointed.

  4. I thought pregnancy lasted 9 months.

  5. And I thought that menstrual cycle simulator was ridiculous....

  6. im actually more interested in the dust shoot game at the back.

  7. That's cool! There is only so much that a simulation of anything can do, but I think this would help fathers share a bit more in the pregnancy.

  8. technically speaking pregnancy usually lasts between 37 and 42 weeks - thats between 9.25- 10 months

  9. Hope this doesn't give ideas to pregnant women about what to do with their clueless husbands!! "Hey honey, i'd like u to sign up for a pregnancy simulation course to know how i feel right now..." =X

  10. I'd love to have a job where I create pointless things:) Babies kick n move around the inside, but trying to get similar feeling through a stimulator!?.... And on the outside of the belly? Hmmm....

  11. I think this awesome actually. No, it's no way near what a woman goes through during pregnancy but it does give guys a little hint. They need this in every hospital in my opinion.

  12. I believe this is more fetish than educational orientated... I can see this being used by inflation or pregnancy fetishists for their roleplays

  13. the idea's ok, but the dad should have to wear it for as long as the mom--do chores, try to sleep at night, take a diuretic so he has to pee a lot, etc. there's so much more to it... if it only lasted 10 minutes i would've had a lot more kids!

  14. That circular, white, bally thingy that kinds of "pop out" randomly makes me wanna go and crush 'em or pop them or something >.<

  15. That man did look cute in it with the apron. XD

  16. 10 months and ten days!!!? what the hell kinda baby is that???????

  17. i wish someone created a machine which guys can feel the same pain as a woman who is giving birth, instead of feeling baby inside.

  18. Well this is just silly.

  19. i need collect this!
