Fat Cat


  1. sigh. Pay for a fiteness trainer or some stupid invention for your cat? Why not just try not feeding them so much...? Takes 0 effort and the return is guaranteed.

  2. The musical choice is the cherry on top to this weirdness.

  3. This is essentially abuse. Two minutes of some tool holding a cat in place, clearly against its will. And as if the treadmill wasn't bad enough, it just had to be underwater as well? This isn't something you laugh at on the internet. This is something you present in court.

    1. Um, that is a bit far don't you think? People pay good money for joint stress relief workouts.

  4. Aaand... those who cry animal abuse pour in. BAWWWW.

  5. Look at the determination in his/her eyes, this cat needs a medal

  6. I honestly can't really say this is animal abuse. First of all, while I'm not an expert in this area by any means (so I'm open to correction), but I do remember hearing about how a lot of physical therapy for both humans and animals use water as it is easier on their joints.

    Secondly the cat really doesn't look that traumatized. At the most it looks baffled and probably slightly annoyed. (Also believe it or not there are some cats who do like water. Most cats don't like water, but sometimes you get the occasional cat that does).

    Third, I would think that letting your cat get THIS obese would count more as animal abuse then this does. Obesity causes a slew of health problems for them, not to mention that it hinders their ability to groom themselves properly in certain areas (which means a lot of gross details I really don't want to get into).

    Just my two cents, though.

  7. Agreed, music was what really got me rofl

  8. Best cat video ever.

  9. So damn relaxing.

  10. so... does it only have two feet or am i missing something?

    1. It's not missing it's feet it's set at an angle... the cats front paws are on the front of the box where his head is.

  11. The combination of the cheesy music and seeing the two cat feet walking down what looked like a sidewalk was hilarious enough for me. It reminds me of the openings to a few '80s movies.

  12. The cat is like
    the fuck?

  13. This is feline hydrotherapy, so if any other PETA idiots want to bawww about it, they can look up this very helpful therapy for overweight animals before taking offence on behalf of an animal.
    Just saying.
    The music was lovely though, and the cat looks a little inconvenienced.

  14. get me one of those water treadmill things.
    I'll be thin in no time! Gotta have the music though or it doesnt work.

  15. Don't feel bad. This cat is a pimp. A soggy, soggy pimp.

  16. This is a use of HYDROTHERAPY! Plus it is a PERSON holding the cat! You can see her standing in the water with the cat. I know plenty of ASPCA officers. And it may have had a disease where it's weight was an issue. Like cushings disease causes weight loss.

  17. Does anybody know what the music is?

  18. Yeah I believe the music is by 'shut up and stop analysing the video'

  19. Leave the poor guy alone, the music is really good. There's too many of you people on the internet who are happy to dish out abuse when it's totally inappropriate and someone just wants to hear some nice relaxing cat abuse music.

  20. No don't leave the poor guy alone. He only wants to know more about the music so that he can set it to other animal abuse videos. Why is it that some people just can't help themselves from furiously masturbating over videos of fat animals in water set to terrible music? I am disgusted and depressed by the sexual gratification you gain from animal abuses.

  21. ahhh it not animal abuse . My dog went through the type of therpy when he messed up his leg from a fight with another dog . it just video of fat cat going through weight loss therpy with gay music . Cat are lazy fuckers to begin with, you ever try taking a cat for walk. water therpy like this is very important in alot of medical issue for animal

  22. I totally agree with anonymous bosh

  23. Won't work, the cat's the wrong way up.

  24. This isn't weird.This is a way to help them loose weight it is also used in western countries.

  25. I would like to see this type of therapy used upon hippos because they are much bigger than cats and therefore need the exercise more urgently. I'm shocked that they didn't use this on elephants, hippos and rhinos before applying it to cats.

  26. Unless the girl and the cat have some kind of intimate relationship, I have no idea why romantic smooth jazz is playing in the background.

  27. The comments section of this blog makes me laugh more than the videos do.

  28. GOD THAT IS ONE FAT CAT, no wonder it's trying to lose weight!

    cuz in the water lols, the mass is less than in normal conditions, where this fat cat can't cope with walking at all. SO hes training like this. ure retarded

  30. In fact this is not a fat training at all. This cat was 50% disable after a fell from his appartment (third floor if I recall), after an operation taht did succeed in giving back his motricity, the cat did go under reahabilitation, and this video is a footage of one of the reahibilitation course.

    Technically it can be assimilated to animal abuse, but it's not.

  31. Glad to hear that it was a rehab. I hope its back to doing some form of walking now without needing extra help.

  32. I love the inappropriate choice of music! Classic example of not understanding the lyrics!

  33. I Love Fat Pussies...errrmmm...bad comment....

  34. I didn't laugh until half way through, and for some reason I just couldn't stop. That music is great.

  35. His whisping tail reminds me of a mermaid.
