

  1. How to advertise your product in Japan: step 1, pay lots of money to air a 30 second commercial. Step 2, Use 28 seconds of it to show the most random, craziest, WTF scene you can think of to catch everybody's attention. Step 3, use the remaining 2 seconds to show the actual product. Step 4, reflect on why people aren't buying the product, thus resulting in the planning of your next commercial to not only include a humanoid dog, but a humanoid dog on fire that transforms into a giant robot fighting an old grandma sumo wrestler with a penis. Oh. And before we forget. Add the potato chips somewhere in there.

  2. What does a pedophile in a dog costume have to do with potato chips?

  3. Did anyone else notice that when the 2 dogs were fighting over the ball, the one was attached to a stick??? Sad thing is, I think they didn't even try to NOT show that stick thingy.

  4. I think this is not particularly weird, compared to other things. I guess they are just trying to make something funny, but I´m just guessing...
